Google Earth Pro for Mac V
探索全球 谷歌的卫星图像软件真正改变了我们对全球的看法。该应用程序可让您放大世界的任何地方,对于某些地方,从几米远处观察。 Google地球不仅显示卫星图像,还包括地形,有时还包括建筑物的3D重建。您可以查找路线和商家,就像在谷歌地图中查找区域或直接在Google地球上绘制地图一样。 Google地球包含一个非常广泛且不断增加的图层库,您可以将其添加到地图中以丰富您的体验。您可以找到各种信息,从历…- 0
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VMware Fusion 11.5.3 15870345 for Mac 虚拟机中文版 附序列号
VMware Fusion是一款Mac上优秀的虚拟机工具,类似于Parallels Desktop,它可以让你在Mac OS上无缝地运行 Windows系统,使 Mac系统和PC完美结合。借助VMware Fusion,Mac用户能够在Mac上并行运行Windows和数百个其他操作系统与Mac应用,而不必重新启动。Fusion对家庭用户而言,足够简便;而对 IT 专业人员、开发人员和企业而言,功能…- 0
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Microsoft Remote Desktop Beta for Mac(Version 10.4.0 (1779))
Offers you the possibility to quickly connect to a Windows-based computer in order to work with its programs and files, access data and more What's new in Microsoft Remote Desktop 10.3.9: In this…- 0
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Microsoft Remote Desktop for Mac(Version 10.3.9 (1767))
Offers you the possibility to quickly connect to a Windows-based computer in order to work with its programs and files, access data and more What's new in Microsoft Remote Desktop 10.3.9: In this…- 0
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